The series by Andrew Marr looking back over the decades is not only fascinating but makes you wonder.The series which features different decades and inviting the publics' views are interesting in the way that society and values have changed ...and not always for the good!The '50's decade was compelling viewing in how little people had in material terms but how much neighbourliness was second nature.Progress is to be welcomed but nowadays it appears to be destroying the very core of a society which had self-respect and respect and courtesy for our friends and peers.How sad that schools are considering introducing lessons in 'respect' to the schoolchildren of today.Every older generation criticises the young but at times and with some of the scenarios of today,one could be forgiven for despairing.The best way to teach is by example ,they say,and Andrew Marr's look back on the decades illustrates certain core values must be preserved while progression serves its purpose in creating a society we are proud to be part of.