An event will be held in Narberth to find out what matters most to Pembrokeshire residents.

Scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 'It’s Your Pembrokeshire’ at The Queens Hall, has been organised by community initiative organisation, 4theRegion.

The free event promises a number of discussions on topics chosen by the community to encourage dialogue and instigate change.

Eight 'zones' have been set up, each to focus on a topic that has been selected via consultation with organisations and residents of the area, including Pembrokeshire College, PLANED, and the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum.

Talking points include food, transport, creative economy, nature and environment, jobs and skills, community action, buying local, and youth empowerment.

Zoe Antrobus, co-founder of 4theRegion, said: "We’re so excited to bring this event to Pembrokeshire after the success of ‘It’s Your Swansea’.

"We’ve worked with the people of Pembrokeshire to come up with topics that are relevant and important, which also tie into universal themes and things we all care about.

"We thank everyone for their input in this knowledge-share."

Co-founder Dawn Lyle added: "This free event is an exclusive opportunity for everyone in Pembrokeshire to get their voice heard.

"This is a perfect place for listening and sharing, and we hope to see as many people as possible there to engage in exciting conversations."

The day runs from 9.30am to 3.30pm and all attendees are welcome.

Interested individuals are asked to RSVP at the 4theregion website. There will be locally-sourced refreshments available, including a buffet, tea, and coffee.