Young people across Wales have been connecting with nature by planting tens of thousands of oak trees.

This is part of Natural Resources Wales’ (NRW) annual Acorn Antics campaign that encourages schools to collect acorns to grow native trees.

After the 2022 campaign, 49,000 saplings nurtured in a tree nursery have been planted. These efforts seek to expand the tree canopy across Wales in response to climate and nature emergencies, and to help achieve the country's net zero carbon ambitions.

Aled Hopkin, NRW's specialist advisor, said: "It is great to see the results from the campaign as oak trees start getting planted across Wales.

"I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in Acorn Antics, we value each group’s participation.

"This is part of our wider work to reverse the decline in biodiversity, and to build the resilience of ecosystems so nature can adapt."

The campaign continues looking forward to planting more trees and collecting more acorns. The Acorn Antics scheme has already generated £3,442 in funds for education as a result of 825kg of acorns collected in 2022.