On Monday, I attended my six month review with the jobcentre, and learned a few few interesting things. Firstly my JSA contributions had ran out, so I am no longer entitled to any money, and as my partner is working (all be it just over minimum wage), I can't even get Income Support. If your partner works more than 16 hours a week they are expected to support you. (Unless you have kids, and then you are entitled to different benefits.) Because I was working last year a do not qualify for Tax Credits, but may be able to apply next year.... So the week did not get off to a good start. I had two letters on Tuesday and one email indicating I did not get shortlisted for interviews, so what is a girl to do? According to the jobcentre I must expand my employment opportunities. All I have ever done is work in admin, but having to list a third option at the jobcentre I specified Cashier. I've worked in accounts so can easily handle the momey side of things, I just may not be able to the heavy lifting, but I am sure I could stack a few shelves with bread and vegetables etc. So I applied for a Cashiers job that has become vacant for the 2nd time in 6 months. (and one that I had applied for before.) Only to be told to my face today that I was unsucessful because of "Your Heart Condition." To say that I was gobsmacked was a bit of an understatement. At least they were honest enough to admit it, but I am so mad. Fair enough if they wanted someone to help with the deliveries, but the position said Cashier, and as I pointed out, I don't need to lift heavy stuff whilst stood at a till. Obviously I can lift groceries I go shopping for myself...

So yes I am still looking for a job, but am incredibly disillusioned with the narrow mindedness of certain companies. Its really hard to keep smiling but on the plus side, at least I get to enjoy the sunshine.